Hammas Information Technology Company

Hammas InfoTech Ltd

For technical solutions, website and application design, and more than 40 years of experience in accounting


Our Services

We are distinguished by efficiency and effectiveness in performing our services to advance the company

Smartphone application programming

We offer you our expertise and transform ideas into a tangible reality in your hands to manage your business on Android and iOS smartphones.

Web and desktop application programming

We provide important applications to manage your commercial and service businesses by developing electronic stores, ERP business systems, and desktop systems.

Programming, design and development of websites

We offer different types of solutions with approved standards in programming, designing and developing websites for companies, institutions and individuals.

Information Security Solutions

Our specialized team provides solutions to effectively protect your organization's information and data and its electronic systems by conducting security tests for your system and discovering any vulnerabilities.

API Application Programming Interface

We program the application interface or what is called API according to the request or the agreed protocol to integrate several services together to communicate with each other.

Programming of added services systems

We program and design systems and platforms for added services by receiving and sending SMS messages to short numbers SHORCODES to message centers for operators of telecommunications companies.

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Hammas Information Technology Company

Hamas Information Technology Company was established in 2015 AD, where it was previously an information technology and training center under the name of the Comprehensive Center for Training and Informatics, and its headquarters are located in Tripoli. This center was established in 2005 AD, and it has many businesses in the field of information technology.


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